MECANOL, Mecanizados Olivera S.L.U, was constituted 11 September of 1990 in order to meet the demands, on the metal market, of mechanical works such as machining, milling, adjustment and boilermaking.
Throughout all these years, It has been emphasizing for its growing and marked role as a manufacturer of capital goods, for both the Nuclear sector and plastic , Wood and construction. Having all the means, infrastructure, technology and adequate team to meet the highest standards in the areas of design , provisions, quality assurance, projects, manufacturing, inspection and provision of services.
Currently the company focuses its activities on four strategic business areas: Nuclear sector, Plastics, Wood industry and Construction Sector.
All activities related with the Nuclear sector are associated with the manufacture and installation of equipment for Nuclear Power Plants, both Safety Related Equipment and Non Safety Related; regard to the Radiological Protection, with the manufacture and installation of metal doors heavy radiological shielding or own manufacture and installation of lead bricks and leaded pipes, different sizes and diameters, It is used for meeting the requirements of the radiation dose reduction programs. also it performs leaded blankets installation through metal hangers.
In the The plastic sector, We are manufacturer and supplier of large grinding mills, conveyor belts, metallic hoppers, etc. high performance that meet the requirements of reliability, robustness and durability demanded by our customers.
In the industry of the Wood, We have an extensive experience in the realization of all kinds of equipment and installations, having carried out renovation projects of units and complete lines: Grinding mills, Melamines, stackers, feed carts, Sanders, etc.
Regarding to Construction sector, MECANOL is involved in both building and Civil construction projects, manufacturing and installing all types of metallic structures and components.